Global Methodist Church

Now a part of the
Global Methodist Church

Global Methodist Church

Now a part of the
Global Methodist Church

First Methodist Church Front Of Building

Do you have questions about the meaning or purpose of life?

At First Methodist Church of Martinsville we are discovering together answers to life’s most important questions: What is the point of life? What happens after we die? Is it even possible to really forgive and be forgiven? How can I have faith?

At FMC Martinsville we aspire to be an exciting church where:

  • People really pray
  • People really use and apply the Bible to life’s difficult challenges
  • People are genuinely generous
  • People serve the needs of others out of authentic Christian love and concern

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting – August 7 through Sept 15 – leading up to the historic Convening General Conference of the Global Methodist Church.

This intentional period of dedicated prayer and fasting designed to empower the Lord’s work through the Global Methodist Church, as we unite around the theme of the Convening General Conference: “So the World Will Know.”

Volleyball League Upward Sports Church

Upward Volleyball – A community sports and family program for boys and girls.

Upward Volleyball at FMC Martinsville offers premium play, principles and purpose. Registration starting January 8 for kids in 4th to 8th grades.